Scented memories 2- Dream tidal wave

This was a water dream. It smelled of salt and sun. It had the scent of the sea. It had the feeling of relief and happiness.
It's a bright and warm summer day. I arrive at the beach and park among many cars. I can't see the sea, but I can hear and smell it. Waves are crashing on the shore and it smells salty. I climb down a flight of stairs and I reach the beach which is blindingly sunny and white. I walk among people sunbathing and head towards the sea. As I approach it, water starts to form higher and higher waves and when I'm right in front of the sea, a huge wave builds up in front of me and rises hundreds of meters in the air. It stands still, without crashing and I just stand on the beach and look at its marvel and beauty. I feel no fear. I keep staring at the tidal wave and I am amazed at how it remains suspended into the air, without crashing, without killing me. I feel both as if it's inside and outside of me, I feel elated by it and indescribably happy.

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