To me, writing prose is a 4-step process. The first two stages are so thrilling that I still can’t believe such a thing really exists. Coming up with the idea for a story and actually writing it, creating worlds and characters out of nothing are some of the best things I experimented. When a story is outlined, when I have its beginning, climax and ending, it draws me in completely. I don’t want to leave the universe until it’s finished. Don’t get me wrong, my worlds are dark and scary. But they are also filled with magic and mystery. No matter how dark a world is and no matter what horrors it hides, I love being part of it, shaping it, dreaming it at night. Actually writing the story is a whole other thing. When I sit down in front of my computer, something otherworldly takes place. I phase out. My fingers type the words, I know where the scenes end, but I don’t get there consciously. The characters talk. I just register what they say. The plot unfol...