Lego Stories and Food
I’m a Lego fan. Maybe that’s because when I was a child the colorful bricks were almost impossible to find in communist Romania. Maybe because today the Lego world is a flight away from my hometown. Anyway, I’ve visited Legoland in Germany more than once. It took me some time to understand how the place is organized and what is the role of the food in Lego story. When I first visited I found no certain logic to the placement of the 15 restaurants and coffee shops. After some time, I realized that behind all the concepts, the decorum, even behind the chosen recipes was the story . Everything belongs to a concept in which the food represents a small part of a complete experience. The most interesting restaurants and coffee shops are the ones that have a distinct Lego theme. I enjoyed the Knight’s table, a restaurant right near the Castle Ice Cream coffee shop, The schnitzel Depot (which is right to the hotdog kiosk called Oasis in the Jungle) and the Asian pas...